By coming to our event you agree to abide by our Covid Courtesy Agreement.
- You assume a non-zero percent risk of exposure to the Covid-19 Novel Coronavirus regardless of precautions taken to mitigate risks by party hosts and fellow party attendees.
- On the unlikely chance that you contract Covid-19 from, and are able to track your exposure to, an asymptomatic attendee (or host) you relinquish any right to indemnification. Specifically but not limited to cost of treatment in case of illness, pain or suffering, or death.
- Most importantly, you will do your best to mitigate your own risk to exposure to Covid-19 in the days leading to the party by following standard precautionary guidelines as issued by county, state, and federal governing agencies. Should you be experiencing any Covid-19 related symptoms the morning of the party, please DO NOT COME TO THE PARTY. We know how much it sucks to miss out on a party, especially one with awesome Carrot Cake, but it’s better than a chance that some of us may have to attend a funeral.
- 5-10 days following the party should you develop symptoms of Covid-19, you agree to get a certified administered PCR Test, and upon positive test results, you agree to notify the party hosts in order for us to provide exposure notifications for contract tracing to all party attendees.
Is this a little much? Yes, yes it is. But hopefully one day in the not so distant future we can go back to social gatherings with no warnings besides the (not responsible for your hangover tomorrow) signs.
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